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Showing 33–64 of 178 results
Kant’s Cosmopolitanism: Politics and Philosophy in a Global Debate
Journal of Early Modern Studies, Volume 8, issue 2 (Fall 2019)
VIDA, Grigore (ed.)
History of Communism in Europe: Vol. 10 / 2019: “Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Socio-economic and Political Consequences 30 Years After
RUSU, Mihai Stelian; PINTILESCU, Corneliu; BÁTHORY, Dalia (ed.)
Describing the Unconscious. Phenomenological Perspectives on the Subject of Psychoanalysis
BODEA, Cristian; POPA, Delia (eds.)
Social Imaginaries, Volume 5, Issue 2 (Autumn 2019)
BLOKKER Paul; GENIUSAS Saulius; KRUMMEL John; SMITH, Jeremy C A (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 19/ 2019: On Conflict and Violence
CIOCAN, Cristian; MARINESCU, Paul (eds.)
Social Imaginaries, Volume 5, Issue 1 (Spring 2019). Special Issue: Varieties of Creative Imagination
GENIUSAS, Saulius (ed.)
Schutzian Research, Volume 11 / 2019
BARBER, Michael (ed.)
Light. Paradigms for Scientific and Religious Thinking
NÉDA, Zoltán; AXINCIUC, Madeea
Journal of Early Modern Studies, Volume 8, issue 1 (Spring 2019). Special Issue: Common Notions in Early Modern Thought
BLANK, Andreas; JALOBEANU, Dana (eds.)
Literary Imposture and Eighteenth-Century Knowledge: The Tradition of the Literary Faker in England from Marana to Goldsmith
History of Communism in Europe: Vol. 9 / 2018: Breaking the Wall: National and Transnational Perspectives on East-European Science
BATHORY, Dalia (ed.)
In sha’Allah! Religious studies building resilience in Beirut
Philosophy and Practice in Translational Hermeneutics
STANLEY, John; O’KEEFFE, Brian; STOLZE, Radegundis; CERCEL, Larisa (eds.)
Journal of Early Modern Studies, Volume 7, issue 2 (Fall 2018)
CORNEANU, Sorana (ed.)
Social Imaginaries, Volume 4, Issue 2 (Autumn 2018)
SMITH, Jeremy C. A.; BLOKKER, Paul; DOYLE, Natalie (eds.)
Living Superior, Arizona, from 1930 to 1950: A Narrative History
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 18/ 2018: The Promise of Genetic Phenomenology
FERENCZ-FLATZ, Christian; STAITI, Andrea (eds.)
Social Imaginaries, Volume 4, Issue 1 (Spring 2018). Special Issue: The Struggle over World-Interpretation(s) and Progress Revisited. Festschrift for Peter Wagner
ROSICH, Gerard; MOUZAKITIS, Angelos (eds.)
Schutzian Research, Volume 10 / 2018
BARBER, Michael (ed.)
Journal of Early Modern Studies, Volume 7, issue 1 (Spring 2018). Special Issue: The Mathematization of Natural Philosophy between Practical Knowledge and Disciplinary Blending
JALOBEANU, Dana; VIDA, Grigore (eds.)
Social Imaginaries, Volume 3, issue 2 (Fall 2017). Special Issue: Approaches to Religion
ARNASON, Johann P. (ed.)
Journal of Early Modern Studies, Volume 6, issue 2 (Fall 2017)
CORNEANU, Sorana (ed.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 17/ 2017: Phenomenology of Animality
CIOCAN, Cristian; DIACONU, Mădălina (eds.)
Social Imaginaries, Volume 3, Issue 1 (Spring 2017)
ADAMS, Suzi; BLOKKER, Paul; SMITH, Jeremy C.A. (eds.)
Schutzian Research, Volume 9 / 2017
BARBER, Michael (ed.)
The Brothers Seven. A Tale. Translated into English from the Finnish by Douglas Robinson
KIVI, Aleksis
Journal of Early Modern Studies, Volume 6, issue 1 (Spring 2017): Special Issue: Gardens as Laboratories. The History of Botany through the History of Gardens
BALDASSARRI, Fabrizio; MATEI, Oana (eds.)
History of Communism in Europe: Vol. 8 / 2017: The Other Half of Communism: Women’s Outlook
JINGA, Luciana M. (ed.)
Descartes and Early French Cartesianism: Between Metaphysics and Physics
DOBRE, Mihnea
Fenomenul „animal“: Abordări fenomenologice ale diferenţei antropologice
CIOCAN, Cristian; TREPCA, Amalia (ed.)
Early Modern Philosophy of Technology: Bacon and Descartes
ARNĂUTU, Robert R.A.