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Schutzian Research, Volume 2 / 2010

BARBER, Michael (ed.)



Alfred Schutz: The Problem of Transcendental Intersubjectivity in Husserl (with Comments of Dorion Cairns and Eugen Fink. Translation and Introduction by Fred Kersten)

Alfred  Schutz: Problems of a Sociology of Language (Fall Semester, 1958) (edited by Fred Kersten with an Introduction by Lester Embree and Fred Kersten)
T. J. Berard: Unpacking “Institutional Racism”: Insights from Wittgenstein, Garfinkel, Schutz, Goffman, and Sacks
David Stone and Christina Papadimitriou: Exploring Heidegger’s Ecstatic Temporality in the Context of Embodied Breakdown
Petrik Runst: Schutzian Methodology as a Progressive Research Agenda: Commentary on Lester Embree’s “Economics in the Context of Alfred Schutz’s Theory of Science”
Virgil Storr: Schutz on Objectivity and Spontaneous Orders
Mitsuhiro Tada:Intentionality of Communication: Theory of Self-Referential Social Systems as Sociological Phenomenology
Hisashi Nasu, Lester Embree, George Psathas, and Ilja Srubar (eds.), Alfred Schutz and His Intellectual Partners (Valerie Malhotra Bentz)
Sandra P. Thomas and Howard R. Pollio, Listening to Patients, A Phenomenological Approach to Nursing Research and Practice (William Hamrick)
Matthew Ratcliffe, Rethinking Commonsense Psychology: A Critique of Folk Psychology, Theory of Mind and Simulation (Mary Beth Morrissey)
ISSN: 2067-0621 (paperback)
ISSN: 2248-1907 (electronic)
ISBN: 978-973-1997-91-9 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-973-1997-92-6 (ebook)
Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 24 × 17 × 2 cm
Publication Year


No of pages




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