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CFP: Book Symposium, Luigina Mortari’s The Wisdom of the Heart

Abstract: Emotions, feelings, and passions shape the quality of our existence, but we are not always aware of the ways in which our emotional life is expressed. In fact, we tend to live irreflectively. What self-care enables us to cultivate the affective side for the benefit of the quality of existence? And how is it possible to nurture the positive affections, which generate vital feelings, and scale back the negative ones, which jeopardize our relationship with ourselves and others? Answering these questions means drawing a horizon in the light of which to assess whether and how far our beliefs are appropriate for the good life. It means creating the foundation for the best possible life. From this perspective, developing the capacity for affective self-understanding is an indispensable existential goal.

Author Bio: Luigina Mortari, PhD, is Full Professor Epistemology of Qualitative Research at the University of Verona, Italy. She is the founder and Director of Melete, Center of Ethics for Care, and of the interdepartmental Caring Education Research Center (CERC) at the same University. She is the author of several books and articles on the philosophy and ethics of care, the epistemology of qualitative inquiry, and the ecological thinking.

The Journal of Philosophy of Emotion (JPE) is planning to publish a book symposium on Dr. Luigina Mortari’s latest book, The Wisdom of the Heart, and we are looking for commentators who are interested in engaging in a critical discussion of it, with the aim of moving the discourse on relevant topics highlighted by her book forward. We are hoping to publish this book symposium in the JPE’s Summer (September) 2026. If you are interested, please email submissions[dot]jpe[at]gmail[dot]com, informing us of your interest, along with a copy of your CV, by August 23, 2024. Please also make sure to specify the book symposium in the email subject line. We will contact you by September 16th, 2024, with a decision regarding your expressed interest and any further details. Commentaries will be due January 1, 2025. Invited commentators will each receive a free PDF of The Wisdom of the Heart to review for their commentary, unless a hard copy is preferred. In the meantime, we recommend that those interested in possibly commenting on Dr. Mortari’s book check with their local university library. Independent scholars should also note that most local university libraries provide community access to residents. 

We encourage a diversity of scholars of all ranks who are interested in participating as a commentator to respond to this CFP, provided that they are willing and able to commit to fulfilling the expectations set by the JPE‘s submission guidelines and the JPE’s double-anonymous peer review process. Please refer to past issues of the JPE for examples, and all submissions must adhere to the JPE’s style guideline (which includes a Google Doc manuscript template), and note that authors are responsible for providing all necessary DOIs and appropriately formatting their references. All contributors are also responsible for copyediting their own submissions and providing any requested citation information, although the JPE will also conduct a preliminary review and copyedit check of all submissions accepted to go to peer review. No submission will be sent to peer review without the appropriate formatting, in accordance with the JPE style guidelines. The JPE also requires a submission fee of $35, or you can become a member of the Society for Philosophy of Emotion (SPE), which includes a one time JPE submission fee waiver. The JPE is an independently published, open-access journal, and all manuscript submission fees go toward paying for operating costs and providing need based subventions to facilitate diverse and inclusive participation. Our completely transparent Financial Report is also made available for your review.

Commentators will be selected not only based on their qualifications, but also based on their cooperative compliance and the consideration for the value of diversity and inclusiveness among equally qualified commentators. Potential contributors are also welcome to let us know in their letter of interest that they would be willing to referee the composed book symposium if for some reason they were not invited to contribute a commentary, but would still like to contribute to the book symposium. All referees may also choose to be publicly acknowledged in a subsequent issue of the JPE. A digital copy of the book will be provided to those invited to contribute a commentary and to those interested in peer reviewing the completed book symposium. Please let us know if you will also need a hard copy.

Link to online CFP: