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Cosmopolitanism without Foundations?

CARAUS, Tamara; LAZEA, Dan (Eds.)


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Cosmopolitanism without Foundations?

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This book examines the foundations of cosmopolitanism and ways of conceiving non-totalizing foundations of cosmopolitanism. The core idea shared by all cosmopolitan views is that all human beings belong to a single community and the ultimate units of moral concern are individual human beings, not states or particular forms of human associations. Nevertheless, the attempts to ground a political theory on overarching universal principles, inevitable in constructing a cosmopolitan theory give to cosmopolitanism a certain temptation to foundationalism that is in contradiction with the plurality of social, cultural, political, religious interpretative standpoints in the contemporary world. The book explores the possibilities of overcoming this contradiction inherent in advancing a cosmopolitan theory. The innovative aspects of the book are in its focus on foundations/grounds of cosmopolitanism and in its attempts to advance approaches of cosmopolitanism that will avoid firm/given foundations.



Tamara Caraus & Dan D. Lazea: Cosmopolitanism without Foundations or Cosmopolitanism with a Plurality of Grounds?

Part I: Kantian Grounds

Thomas Berns: The roman model versus the universalist cosmopolitanism’s respect of sovereignty
Aron Telegdi-Csetri: Kant’s World-State-Ideal and its Provisional Surrogates
Stefan Pedersen: Kantian and Wellsian Cosmopolitanism: A Critical Distinction

Part II: Contesting Grounds

Camil Alexandru Parvu: The boundary problem in democratic theory: cosmopolitan implications
Tamara Caraus: Dissent as Foundation of Cosmopolitanism
Angelica Montes Montoya: The “Creole Cosmopolitisation” and the All-World

Part III: Human Rights as the Ground for Cosmopolitanism?

Kostas Koukouzelis: Human Rights International Law and Cosmopolitanism
Benjamin Bourcier: The “Subject of Law” as the Foundation of Cosmopolitanism
Fabia Veçoso: When human rights ruin cosmopolitan sensibilities: Assessing the Inter-American view on amnesties
Sergiu Miscoiu & Claudiu Alexandru Bolcu: The altruistic (universalist) veil: legitimizing militarism through a cosmopolitan approach
Elena Paris: Two Visions of Community: Cosmopolitan Human Rights versus Collective Security

ISBN: 978-606-8266-77-0 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-606-8266-78-7 (ebook)

Weight 0.300 kg
Dimensions 20 × 13 × 2 cm
Publication Year


No of pages




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