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Phenomenology and Media. An Anthology of Essays from Glimpse

MAJKUT, Paul; CARRILLO CANAN, Alberto (eds.)


During the first decade of its existence, from 1999 to 2008, the Society for Phenomenology and Media held annual international conferences in San Diego (California), Puebla (Mexico), Krakow (Poland), Helsinki (Finland), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Provo (Utah), and Monmouth (Oregon). Papers delivered at these conferences were published in the Society’s journal, Glimpse. The current volume is an anthology of essays drawn from the first ten years of Glimpse.

The Society for Phenomenology and Media was founded by Paul Majkut. From its birth, the Society sought to bridge the gap between contemporary media theory and practice and phenomenological insight. The Society currently has over 100 international members. Essays in this anthology include work on digital representation, film, mobile communication, cyberspace, medieval manuscripts, print, radio, the stage, TV, virtual reality, and other media, as well as theoretical papers dealing with media aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and ontology.

Papers included draw attention to the implications for media of the thought of Althusser, Deleuze, Foucault, Flusser, Husserl, Ihde, Ingarden, Iser, Levinas, Negri, McLuhan, Merleau-Ponty, Stein, and others. While various phenomenological approaches remain important, the Society is open to all perspectives on media. Feminist, formalist, essentialist, existential, hermeneutic, material-cultural, Marxist, post-colonial, and other approaches all play a role in the Society for Phenomenology and Media.


Alberto J. L. Carrillo Canán, Preface
Paul Majkut, Introduction
Marc Van den Bossche, Hermeneutics and Nihilism in a World of Generalized Communication: Gianni Vattimo on a Late Legacy of Nietzsche
Mélanie Bourdaa, Enter the World of Your Heroes: Enhanced-TV, Fans and a New Way of Participation
Alison Leigh Brown, Dissembling Images: Electronic Media and Writing
Darryl Cressman and Edward Hamilton, The Experiential Dimension in Online Learning: Phenomenology, Technology and Breakdowns
Stephen Crocker, Depth of Field and the Phenomenology of Global Events
Tracy P. Dalke, Dancing the Dance: Authentic Engagement in a Created Self or Execution of Practiced Skill
Kathryn S. Egan, The Soul Factor: Deception in Intimations of Life in Computer-Generated Characters
Kevin FisherDasein and the Existential Structure of Cinematic Spectatorship: A Heideggerian Analysis
Thor Grünbaum, Roman Ingarden’s Theory of Schematized Profiles: A Dynamic Version
Bina Gupta, If Journalists Were Vedantins
Arnór Hannibalsson, Epistemology without a Vicious Circle
Aki-Mauri Huhtinen, Information Warfare and Leadership: The Philosophical Question of Neo-Modern Soldiership
Julia V. Iribarne, “We Are All Subhuman”: Responsibility and Media through Sartre’s Nausea
Stacey O’Neal Irwin, Technological Texture: A Phenomenological Look at the Experience of Editing Visual Media on a Computer
Matti Itkonen, The Opacity of the Transparent: A Time-Dweller’s Voyage in the World of the Film Titanic
David R. Koukal, Cellular Irruptions
Kenneth Liberman, The Digital Ethnography: Multimedia Qualitative Analysis
Alberto López Cuenca, Digital Communities of Representation: Wittgenstein to Brazilian Motoboys
Sebastian Luft, Husserl on the Artist and the Philosopher: Aesthetical and Phenomenological Attitude
Lars Lundsten, The Web Site: A Social Event
Paul Majkut, Empathy’s Impostor: Interactivity and Intersubjectivity
Chris Nagel, Empathy, Mediation. Media
Melentie Pandilovski, On Modes of Consciousness(es) and Electronic Culture
Lea Marie Ruiz, Culture and Identity in Electronic Space
Vivian Sobchack, Nostalgia for a Digital Object: Regrets on the Quickening of Quicktime
Albert D. Spalding, Jr., Phenomenology of Internet Privacy (Rights)
Janez Strehovec, Augmented Reality, Augmented Perception: Phenomenological Approach to Interface Culture
Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Reality and Its Simile
Randall Dana Ulveland, Mobile Communication: The Call of Mobility
Jarmo Valkola, Scanning Visual Images and Relations
Krystyna Wilkoszewska, Aesthetics of New Media
Zhenming Zhai, The Mobility of Mobile Phones: A Phenomenological Analysis

ISBN: 978-973-1997-77-3 (paperback)
ISBN: 978-973-1997-78-0 (ebook)

Weight 0.6 kg
Dimensions 20 × 13 × 2 cm
Publication Year


No of pages




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