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Pueblos indígenas, plantas y mercados. Amazonía y Gran Chaco

LENAERTS, Marc; SPADAFORA, Ana María (eds.)


SKU: 978-973-88632-7-9 Categories: , Tag:

Indigenous people from Amazonia and Gran Chaco are not living apart from the national or international market, but they take part in it according to their own patterns, which sometimes appear quite surprising. Plants and trees are their main source of income. It does not mean nevertheless that they are managed as simple commodities or as mere objects of knowledge. Rather, they are often viewed as partakers of large relational networks, bringing together human people as well as animal and vegetal beings: in many cases, plants and animals are even considered as true Persons. That was the reason why we decided to organize a symposium with a clear emphasis on this relational dimension. We present here eight selected papers from this panel. The topics are diverse, but all of them enlighten how such an approach opens new ways for the analysis, concerning everyday management of plants and ethnobotanical knowledge, as well as commoditization, which is anything but a question of strictly economic rationality.


Marc Lenaerts

Primera parte: El manejo de las plantas y delos conocimientos

  • Classificações em cena. Algumas formasde classificações das plantas cultivadas pelos Wajãpi do Amapari (AP) — J. Cabral de Oliveira
  • Repensando los vínculos entreNaturaleza y Cultura. Territorialidad indígena en el Chaco Centro Occidental (toba y pilagá) — A.M. Spadafora et al.
  • Incidenciade la cosmovisión qom (toba) en las técnicasetnobotánicas de recolección — M. Fernandez, R. Hachen
  • “Como un padre que da consejo”: Paullinia yoco entre los airo-pai del Perú — L. E. Belaunde, J. A. Echeverri

Segunda parte: Conocimientos indígenas, comercializacióny protección

  • Los “secretos”etnobotánicos ashéninka, entre mercado y derechos de propiedad intelectual — M. Lenaerts
  • Ethnopharmacology, money and social relations among the Trio and Wayana of southern Suriname — M. Brightman
  • Asnovas formas do kampô: elementos de umasociologia da disseminação urbana dossaberes nativos — E. Coffaci de Lima
  • Pueblos indígenas y mercados derecursos biológicos: tanteos jurídicos y malentendidos culturales — C. Aubertin, G. Filoche

Marc Lenaerts holds a Ph.D. in Social Sciences (Anthropology) from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (ULB,2004). He published a revised version of his Ph.D. in L’Harmattan, Paris, other books as co-editor, and his articles appeared in several academic journals such as L’Homme, Anthropos, the Journal of Ethnobotany, and the Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. He is currently teaching in various Belgian institutions: Royal Academy for Fine Arts of Brussels, Université Libre de Bruxelles, and Université de Liège.

Ana María Spadafora holds a PhD in Philosophy and Letters (Anthropology area) from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. She publishednumerous scientific articles in national and international academic journalsabout indigenous people from Gran Chaco, indigenous rights and traditional knowledge. She is currently researcher in the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas yTécnicas (CONICET) de Argentina and lecturer in the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA) y de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO-Sede Argentina).

 ISBN: 978-973-88632-7-9

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 20 × 13 × 1 cm
Publication Year


No of pages



English, Spanish

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