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Time and Difference: In Honorem Virgil Ciomoş on his 70th Anniversary

BODEA, Cristian & COPOERU, Ion (Eds)



Time and Difference: In Honorem Virgil Ciomoş on his 70th Anniversary

This volume pays tribute to the profound philosophical contributions of Virgil Ciomoş, a leading contemporary figure in Romanian philosophy. Time and difference are two central concepts that underlie his bold and original thinking. Ciomoş’s innovative approach reveals the presence of a temporal gap through which the transcendental is inscribed within human experience. His extensive reflections on temporality engage deeply with the works of Aristotle and Kant, offering a nuanced examination of time’s complexities. Central to his exploration is the idea that the continuity of time is not anchored in the unity of the ego but rather in the resonance between distinct phases of perception—an insight inspired by Husserl’s radical alterity. This ultimately leads to what Maurice Merleau-Ponty terms the “phenomenological unconscious,” complemented by what Marc Richir calls the “symbolical unconscious,” two concepts that enable Virgil Ciomoş to expand his exploration into the field of psychoanalysis. By seamlessly integrating phenomenology and psychoanalysis, Ciomoş’s work opens new directions for understanding time and human existence. The collection presented here gathers scholars who engage with his insights, furthering the conversation on how temporal experience shapes our understanding of the self, others, and the world.

Authors in this volume: Cristian Bodea, Ioan Chirilă, Cristian Ciocan, Eveline Cioflec, Ion Copoeru, Livia Dioșan, Victor Dogaru, Dragoş Duicu, Jean-Jacques Gorog, Maria Gyemant, Alain Harly, Jad Hatem, Marcel Hosu, Lucian Ioan Ile, Laura T. Ilea, Mircea Lăzărescu, Bogdan Mincă, Raluca Mocan, Vlad Mureșan, Alina Noveanu, Andrei Pleșu, Alexandru-Vasile Sava, Claudia Şerban, Horațiu M. Trif-Boia, Nicolae Turcan, Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron.


Table of Contents

Publications of Virgil Ciomoş

Cristian Bodea and Ion Copoeru
Introduction [OPEN ACCESS]

I. Philosophical Interpretations

Alexandru-Vasile Sava
Thinking Beyond Philosophy and the Transfiguration of Time in the Works of Virgil Ciomoş

Vlad Mureșan
Transcendental Schematism Between Intellect and Imagination

Horațiu M. Trif-Boia
Eternity of Instance, Death of Time: The Final Image of the World Between Icon and an-Archetype

Victor Dogaru
Time and Noncoincidence

Jad Hatem
Le passé au présent. La survie des défunts : Gabriel Marcel avec Schelling

Bogdan Mincă
Heidegger on Translation: Own-ness, Other-ness, and Enabling

Eveline Cioflec
Die Ausrichtung des Zwischen am Sinn von Sein

Alina Noveanu
Abstand – eine Fußnote. Zur Erfahrung des Anderen bei Hans-Georg Gadamer

Ioan Chirilă
Human – Time, Eternity, and Being

Nicolae Turcan
Encore une fois, du dépassement de la métaphysique chez Jean-Luc Marion

II. Phenomenological Explorations

Laura T. Ilea
Situation herméneutique, le monde du soi et l’expérience de l’étranger. Avec Virgil Ciomoş sur les traces d’André Scrima

Claudia Şerban
Generative Zeitlichkeit

Cristian Ciocan
La temporalité du témoignage

Ion Copoeru, Cristian Bodea
Heterogeneity, Difference, and Temporal Homogeneity (Husserl and Lacan)

Raluca Mocan
Identification et projection imaginaire : illusion comique et vérité

Dragoş Duicu
Le temps asubjectif. Les remaniements que la phénoménologie asubjective est en droit d’apporter aux analyses husserliennes des Leçons pour une phénoménologie de la conscience intime du temps

Mircea Lăzărescu
Husserl’s Lived Present and Heidegger’s Temporality of Projects: A Psychopathological Perspective

III. Psychoanalytical Inquiries

Alain Harly
Qu’est-ce que le temps ? De Saint Augustin à Jacques Lacan

Lucian Ioan Ile
Time, Repetition, and Obsession

Jean-Jacques Gorog
Pour passer à travers le temps logique

Livia Dioșan
Time of the Impossible, Real of the Uncountable

Maria Gyemant
Temporalité du désir, compulsion de répétition et pulsion de mort. Réflexion à partir de l’interprétation lacanienne de Hamlet

Marcel Hosu
Times of Certainty: A Case Against Radical Historicity

IV. Testimonia

Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron
La religion intellectuelle

Andrei Pleșu
La vocation créatrice de l’idée


ISBN: 978-606-697-175-1  (paperback)
ISBN: 978-606-697-176-8 (ebook)