Showing all 6 results
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 24/ 2024: Phenomenology and the Sciences
ALTOBRANDO, Andrea & AURORA, Simone (Eds)
Humantranslation: Der Translator als Person
STOLZE, Radegundis
Cognition and Hermeneutics: Convergences in the Study of Translation
ROBINSON, Douglas (ed.)
Dimensionen der Humantranslation / Dimensions of Human Translation
CERCEL, Larisa; AGNETTA, Marco; REICHMANN, Tinka (Hrsg. / Eds.)
In-cognita: Ioan Petru Culianu’s Approaches to Religion
DUMBRAVĂ, Daniela; TĂTARU-CAZABAN, Bogdan (eds.)
In sha’Allah! Religious studies building resilience in Beirut