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Phenomenology 2010, Volume 1: Selected Essays from Asia and Pacific. Phenomenology in Dialogue with East Asian Tradition

YU, Chung-Chi (ed.)


SKU: 978-973-1997-63-6 Categories: , Tags: ,

Even though the Asia-Pacific Region is geographically far away from the birthplace of phenomenology, the development of phenomenology already had its impact on this area as early as the 1920s. Notably, the Kaizo articles of Husserl were first published in Japanese long before they were published in their original language. Currently there are at least 20 local phenomenological organizations in this region. The present volume gathers papers from countries or regions such as Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Australia. The articles are arranged according to their themes, which can be divided in six different categories: a) Implantation of European Philosophy and Intercultural Dialogue; b) Comparative Study of Husserl’s Phenomenology and Yogacara Buddhism; c) The Study of Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology and its Implication; d) Research on Husserl’s Phenomenology; e) On Heidegger; and f) On Scheler and Other Phenomenologists.


YU Chung-Chi, Introduction
FANG Xianghong, Europäische Philosophie im zeitgenössischen Festland China
KANDA Daisuke, Language and Inducement
KAMEI Daisuke, The Possibility of a “Linguistic Community”
NI Liangkang, The Ultimate Consciousness and Alaya-vijnana: A Comparative Study on Deep-Structure of Consciousness between Yogacara Buddhism and Phenomenology
ABE Jun, To the Field of Life: a comparison of Husserlian phenomenology and the Yogācāra Buddhism
MURATA Junichi, The phenomenology of illumination: The ontology of vision in Merleau-Ponty’s Eye and Mind
LEE Nam-in, Husserl’s Phenomenology and Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception
LAU Kwok-ying, Four Forms of Primordial Spatiality essential to the understanding of Architecture: a Phenomenological Sketch
ZHENG Yujian, Re-enchantment of Nature: McDowell and Merleau-Ponty on Perception
WANG Wen-Sheng, Husserl’s Phenomenological Epoché behind Hannah Arendt’s Conception of an Authentic Culture
INAGAKI Satoshi, Der Ursprung des Ich und der Intentionalität. Über die Entwicklung der passiven Synthesis im Denken Husserls der 30er Jahre
JUNG Tae-Chang,  Husserl’s Criticism of Representationalism in Logical Investigations
SHIN Ho-Jae, Sensation in Husserl’s static phenomenology: Apprehension-Content scheme and Representation
Jeff MALPAS, The Thinking of World: Exploring the Significance of Heidegger’s Later Philosophy
KAGEYAMA Yohei, The Formation of the Concept “Existence” by the Early Heidegger
WONG Yiu-Hong, 時間性、死亡與歷史:後海德格的反思 (Temporality, death and history: a reflection after Heidegger)
LEUNG Po-Shan, 從物的存在看歷史即現狀 (View History as the Existing Situation from the Being of Thing)
LUI Ping-keung, Man and God
Lubica UCNIK, Human Existence: Patočka’s Appropriation of Arendt
IIDA Suguru, Action and Time Toward Elucidation of Life-worldly Time
CHEUNG Ching-yuen, From Phenomenology of Man to Philosophical Anthropology: Max Scheler’s Turn and its Significance
HSIEH Sheng-Yu, 歷史處境中的行動主體:馬克思哲學與現象學的交互觀察 (The active subject in the historical situation: An inter-observation between the philosophy of Marx and phenomenology)

Notes on Contributors

ISBN: 9789731997636 (paperback)
ISBN: 9789731997643 (ebook)

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 20 × 13 × 2 cm
Publication Year


No of pages



Chinese, English, German

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