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Être sans mot dire. La logique de Sein und Zeit
La Métaphysique du Dasein. Heidegger et la possibilité de la métaphysique (1927-1930)
JARAN, François
Préface de Jean Grondin -
History of Communism in Europe: Vol. 1 / 2010: Politics of Memory in Post-communist Europe
DOBOȘ, Corina; STAN, Marius (ed.)
La prudence de l’homme d’esprit. L’éthique de Pierre Charron
GAIU, Claudiu
Préface de Denis Kambouchner
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 9/ 2009: Michel Henry’s Radical Phenomenology
HATEM, Jad; KÜHN, Rolf (eds.)
Analyse réflexive
EMBREE, Lester
Traduction par Mathieu Trichet
Philosophical Concepts and Religious Metaphors: New Perspectives on Phenomenology and Theology
CIOCAN, Cristian (ed.)
Übersetzung und Hermeneutik. Traduction et herméneutique
CERCEL, Larisa (ed.)
Qu’est-ce qu’un héritage?
CAMILLERI, Sylvain; CHANDELIER, Cédric (eds.)
Eidos et Pathos. Corporéité et signification entre phénoménologie et sciences cognitives
ALTIERI, Lorenzo
Branching Off. The Early Moderns in Quest for the Unity of Knowledge
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 8/ 2008: Phenomenology and Literature
POPA, Delia (ed.)
Apparition des formes urbaines. Institutions symboliques et structures matérielles
Raison et mystique dans le néoplatonisme
MAZILU, Daniel
La genèse du monde fantastique en littérature
L’absolu dans la philosophie du jeune Schelling
Être(s) de passage
CIOMOS, Virgil
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 7/ 2007: Jan Patočka and the European Heritage
CHVATÍK, Ivan (ed.)
Emmanuel Levinas 100 (Studia Phaenomenologica, special issue 2007)
CIOCAN, Cristian (ed.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 6/ 2006: A Century with Levinas. Notes on the Margins of his Legacy
BOZGA, Adina; SZIGETI, Attila (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 5/ 2005: Translating Heidegger’s Sein und Zeit
CIOCAN, Cristian (ed.)
Phenomenology 2005, volume 4. Selected Essays from Northern Europe – part II
SEPP, Hans Rainer; COPOERU, Ion (eds.)
Phenomenology 2005, volume 3. Selected Essays from Euro-Mediterranean – part II
COPOERU, Ion; SEPP, Hans Rainer (eds.)
Phenomenology 2005, volume 3. Selected Essays from Euro-Mediterranean – part I
COPOERU, Ion; SEPP, Hans Rainer (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 4, issue 3–4/ 2004: The Ocean of Forgetting. Alexandru Dragomir: A Romanian Phenomenologist
BALOGH, Paul; CIOCAN, Cristian (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 4, issue 1–2/ 2004: Issues on Brentano, Husserl and Heidegger
CERCEL, Gabriel; CIOCAN, Cristian (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 3/ 2003, Special Issue: Kunst und Wahrheit. Festschrift für Walter Biemel zu seinem 85. Geburtstag
DIACONU, Mădălina (ed.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 3 issue 3–4/ 2003: Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Chiasm and Logos
BOZGA, Adina; COPOERU, Ion (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 3, issue 1–2/ 2003: The School of Brentano and Husserlian Phenomenology
POPESCU, Victor; TĂNĂSESCU, Ion (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 2, issue 3–4/ 2002: Issues on Husserl, Fink and Schutz
CERCEL, Gabriel; CIOCAN, Cristian (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 2, issue 1–2/ 2002: In Memoriam: Hans-Georg Gadamer
CERCEL, Gabriel; CIOCAN, Cristian (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 1, issue 3–4/ 2001: The Early Heidegger
CERCEL, Gabriel; CIOCAN, Cristian (eds.)