Book Series
Showing 33–64 of 138 resultsSorted by latest
Describing the Unconscious. Phenomenological Perspectives on the Subject of Psychoanalysis
BODEA, Cristian; POPA, Delia (eds.)
Light. Paradigms for Scientific and Religious Thinking
NÉDA, Zoltán; AXINCIUC, Madeea
Donner plus qu’on n’a. Éléments pour une théorie de l’action chez Bergson
JELER, Ciprian
Préface par Arnaud François
Literary Imposture and Eighteenth-Century Knowledge: The Tradition of the Literary Faker in England from Marana to Goldsmith
History of Communism in Europe: Vol. 9 / 2018: Breaking the Wall: National and Transnational Perspectives on East-European Science
BATHORY, Dalia (ed.)
In sha’Allah! Religious studies building resilience in Beirut
Philosophy and Practice in Translational Hermeneutics
STANLEY, John; O’KEEFFE, Brian; STOLZE, Radegundis; CERCEL, Larisa (eds.)
Living Superior, Arizona, from 1930 to 1950: A Narrative History
La vie de l’ego. Au carrefour entre phénoménologie et sciences cognitives
THUMSER, Jean-Daniel
Préface de Jean-Luc Petit
La liberté sans déclin. Madame Guyon, Duns Scot, Schelling, Secrétan
Le sujet de la surprise : un sujet cardial
DEPRAZ, Natalie
Archéologie et étymologie sémantiques: La traduction du Livre de l’Exode de la Bible Historiale (1295) (Préface de Christian Balliu)
SALVADOR, Xavier-Laurent
The Brothers Seven. A Tale. Translated into English from the Finnish by Douglas Robinson
KIVI, Aleksis
Journal of Early Modern Studies, Volume 6, issue 1 (Spring 2017): Special Issue: Gardens as Laboratories. The History of Botany through the History of Gardens
BALDASSARRI, Fabrizio; MATEI, Oana (eds.)
History of Communism in Europe: Vol. 8 / 2017: The Other Half of Communism: Women’s Outlook
JINGA, Luciana M. (ed.)
Análisis reflexivo. Una primera introducción a la investigación fenomenológica
EMBREE, Lester
Descartes and Early French Cartesianism: Between Metaphysics and Physics
DOBRE, Mihnea
Fenomenul „animal“: Abordări fenomenologice ale diferenţei antropologice
CIOCAN, Cristian; TREPCA, Amalia (ed.)
Early Modern Philosophy of Technology: Bacon and Descartes
ARNĂUTU, Robert R.A.
Space, Time, and Other: A Study in the Method and Limits of Transcendental Phenomenology
History of Communism in Europe: Vol. 7 / 2016: The (R)evolutionary Maze. Communist Parties in Europe
BATHORY, Dalia (ed.)
Le grain du sens. Essai de phénoménologie-fiction
Translational Hermeneutics: The First Symposium
STOLZE, Radegundis; STANLEY, John; CERCEL, Larisa (eds.)
Métaphysique et théologie chez Nicolas Malebranche. Proximité, éloignement, occasionnalisme
MOISUC, Cristian
Préface de Vincent Carraud
Thinking and Be-ing in Heidegger’s Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis)
KOVACS, George
The Art of Experimental Natural History: Francis Bacon in Context
History of Communism in Europe: Vol. 6 / 2015 – (Dis)Embedding. The Institutionalization of the Social Memory of Totalitarian Pasts: Practices, Politics, Arts
BATHORY, Dalia (ed.)
Phénoménologie de la vie animale
BURGAT, Florence; CIOCAN, Cristian (ed.)
Des compositions de l’expérience. Whitehead, l’hylémorphisme et le phénomène
Cosmopolitanism without Foundations?
CARAUS, Tamara; LAZEA, Dan (Eds.)
Les deux morts de Maurice Blanchot. Une phénoménologie
PINAT, Etienne
Préface par Jérôme de Gramont
Qu’appelle-t-on la pensée ? Le philosopher heideggérien
PERRIN, Christophe (ed.)