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Meta-Genealogie des ursprünglichen Erscheinens: Zur Reduktion als Genesis, Dialektik, Archäologie, Genealogie und Dekonstruktion
KÜHN, Rolf
Time and Difference: In Honorem Virgil Ciomoş on his 70th Anniversary
BODEA, Cristian & COPOERU, Ion (Eds)
Affekt und Triebschicksal. Radikal phänomenologische Verortung metapsychologischer Grundbegriffe: Nachträglichkeit – Todestrieb – Sublimierung
KÜHN, Rolf
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 24/ 2024: Phenomenology and the Sciences
ALTOBRANDO, Andrea & AURORA, Simone (Eds)
Materie und Empfinden: Zur Grundgegebenheit von Hyletik, Aisthetik und Ästhetik in Natur und Kosmos
KÜHN, Rolf
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 23/ 2023: Phenomenologies of the Image
ALLOA, Emmanuel & CIOCAN, Cristian (eds.)
Humantranslation: Der Translator als Person
STOLZE, Radegundis
Cognition and Hermeneutics: Convergences in the Study of Translation
ROBINSON, Douglas (ed.)
Dimensionen der Humantranslation / Dimensions of Human Translation
CERCEL, Larisa; AGNETTA, Marco; REICHMANN, Tinka (Hrsg. / Eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 22/ 2022: Gestures
FERENCZ-FLATZ, Christian; POPA, Delia (eds.)
Engaging with Translation. New Readings of George Steiner’s After Babel
AGNETTA, Marco; CERCEL, Larisa; O’KEEFFE, Brian (eds.)
Text Performances and Cultural Transfer / Textperformances und Kulturtransfer
AGNETTA, Marco & CERCEL, Larisa (eds. / Hrsg.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 21/ 2021: From Witnessing to Testimony
MARINESCU, Paul; CIOCAN, Cristian (eds.)
Cognition and Comprehension in Translational Hermeneutics
STANLEY, John; O’KEEFFE, Brian; STOLZE, Radegundis; CERCEL, Larisa (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 20/ 2020: Phenomenology and the History of Platonism
DE SANTIS, Daniele; MAJOLINO, Claudio (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 19/ 2019: On Conflict and Violence
CIOCAN, Cristian; MARINESCU, Paul (eds.)
Philosophy and Practice in Translational Hermeneutics
STANLEY, John; O’KEEFFE, Brian; STOLZE, Radegundis; CERCEL, Larisa (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 18/ 2018: The Promise of Genetic Phenomenology
FERENCZ-FLATZ, Christian; STAITI, Andrea (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 17/ 2017: Phenomenology of Animality
CIOCAN, Cristian; DIACONU, Mădălina (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 16/ 2016: Film and Phenomenology
FERENCZ-FLATZ, Christian; HANICH, Julian (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 15/ 2015: Early Phenomenology
MORAN, Dermot; K.B. PARKER, Rodney (eds.)
Translational Hermeneutics: The First Symposium
STOLZE, Radegundis; STANLEY, John; CERCEL, Larisa (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 14/ 2014: Place, Environment, Atmosphere
DIACONU, Mădălina; COPOERU, Ion (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 13/ 2013: On the Proper Use of Phenomenology. Paul Ricoeur Centenary
ABEL, Olivier; MARINESCU, Paul (eds.)
Liber amicorum: studii şi eseuri în onoarea lui Gabriel Liiceanu
CIOABĂ, Cătălin; MINCĂ, Bogdan (eds.)
Franz Brentano’s Metaphysics and Psychology
TĂNĂSESCU, Ion (ed.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 12/ 2012: Possibilities of Embodiment
BEHNKE, Elizabeth A.; CIOCAN, Cristian (eds.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 11/ 2011: Concepts of Tradition in Phenomenology
FERENCZ-FLATZ, Christian (ed.)
Die Vision eines postmodernen Lebens. Sozialphilosophische, sozialwissenschaftliche und sozialpsychologische Betrachtungen einer neuen Geisteshaltung
Phenomenology 2010, Volume 1: Selected Essays from Asia and Pacific. Phenomenology in Dialogue with East Asian Tradition
YU, Chung-Chi (ed.)
Studia Phaenomenologica, Volume 10/ 2010: Phenomenology and Psychology
POPA, Delia; CIOMOŞ, Virgil (eds.)
Phenomenology 2010, volume 4. Selected Essays from Northern Europe: Traditions, Transitions and Challenges
MORAN, Dermot; SEPP, Hans Rainer (eds.)